It was awesome to be in Asheville for a few weeks, but I do have to say that I am glad to be home! Got back to town late Tuesday night and started work Wednesday am. Worked three 12 hr days followed by a short 8 hr day on Saturday. Haven't worked since December and I do have to say that it is such a strange concept. I am glad that I love what I do or it might seem like an unhappy task. One of which I would NOT do.
It's sweet that I can take the dog and get to spend all day outside in the beautiful, rocky mountains. Cutting trees for 12 hr days is one of the best possible ways to train for loooong bicycle rides. I mean, if you can cut and carry trees for 12 hrs surely you can ride bicycles for even longer.
Went out for an easy spin last night on the merckx, just to enjoy the sunset. Was riding over to Cherry Creek Reservoir on the bike path, when the single track by the river started enticing me. Was flowing over the flowy 1-trak, when bam to the ground I went. WTF was that? The ground felt like pavement and tore a bit of skin off the palm and elbow, but I couldn't stand up straight. Looked around and found where some douche bag had drivven some 2x4 stakes into the ground and left about three inches of them sticking out. Grass was growing around them so they were pretty much invisible. Caught my pedal on one at about 15mph, which then slammed me to the ground, left arm and twisted back first. This is where I had the nice soft landing of two more wooden stakes into the small of my back right on the vertebra where it connects with my sacrum.
It was the worst pain I can remember feeling from a bike wreck, and I wreck hard fairly often. Once I was able to stand up straight and move my legs a little I hopped back on the bike and pedaled home. 10 miles feels really long when you can't sit upright.
Once home, I was able to inspect my back, BIG hematoma on left side of vertebra and no skin on top of it. Feels Awesome. Iced it for a while and sucked it up. Feels better today, can almost touch the ground without grimacing. It'll be better later.
Sorry for the rant, but damn.
Taking the day off. Going to fire up the grill and have a day filled full of eating. It's gonna be sweet.
My posts will be kind of sporadic as I don't have a wireless connection at the house. Can only get service when I can steal it from the neighbors or go to a coffee shop. One day, I may actually pay for wireless service, maybe.
Taking the week off of riding, but plan on going huge next weekend. peace.
27.5 x 4.5" carbon fat wheels for sale.
2 days ago
Damn! Heal up