Thursday, May 7, 2009

Throw Down with Marshall

Threw down an 8 plus hr ride yesterday with Marshall. Had planned on a 100 mile single speed mtb ride, but the weather was against us. Rained for most of the day , which turned into 8hrs of being wet. We ate really well, kind of turned into a ride where we ate lots of food.
The rain started and didn't stop. We still rolled on for quite a while. Solid bicycle riding was had by both participants, the water was just a good motivation killer.
Sitting in the rain just enjoying the water.

The campsite was rad. It was nice and dry the first night but the second night was very damp. Luckily, Adam came to hang out and rescued us. We kicked it in the rain for a while before we bitched out and headed back to Adam's house. Spent the night there and slept like a baby. Woke up the next a.m when Jane came to pick me up. I'll talk about that ride in a bit. peace.

1 comment:

  1. hey dude!! yay on the blog! awesome! love your pics - looks wicked! enjoy the scenery and riding.

    hit us up if you are anywhere near h-town!!!

    much love
